Ahhhhh…. it’s the weekend.


I feel like contemplating this weekend.  How about you?

About rebelliousrenee

weaver, reader, professional birdwatcher(especially loonies)
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64 Responses to Ahhhhh…. it’s the weekend.

  1. rebelliousrenee says:

    Doing a lot of thinking this weekend. I have until the end of this week to apply for the big fair I do in August. But I’ve decided to go into semi-retirement. Just weaving for a few galleries and no more fairs…. I want my summers…. I want to enjoy more time off with Rick now that he’s been retired for 3 years. But it’s a bit scary… my whole identity is tied up with my work. So here I sit this weekend contemplating about what’s next.


    • patd says:

      is there a fair that’s more fun than work? that may count as a summer party with the usual vacation prep involved. matter of perspective as they say Confucius said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”


  2. blueINdallas says:

    Do it when it moves you. Most of us would be so lucky to do what we loved and get paid for it.

    Right now, I am contemplating why it smells like sour milk instead of rain outside.

    I’m sure the Gooperz didn’t think the hearing would give Hillary a boost. Hoisted on their own pitard. Gotta love it.


  3. Tony says:

    Jamie says:
    24 October 2015 at 6:45 am (Edit)
    The one thing that was most noticeable in the hearing was the total (or pretended) ignorance of the GOP committee members as to size and functions of a major department of the US Government such as State. In fact, I’ve decided that the real problem with most Congress Critters is that they don’t have a clue about the size of anything … i.e. 11 million undocumented why just throw them all out (by whom, with what, who’s paying, who will replace them). In issue after issue they propose no solution that will even put a dent in the problem much less be effective in its correction.


  4. patd says:

    from http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/23/politics/donald-trump-ben-carson-iowa-polls-immigration/index.html
    “I like Ben, but he cannot do with trade like I do,” Trump said. “He can’t do with a lot of things like I do, so we’ll just have to see what happens.”He added that he worries that Carson is “just not going to be able to do deals with China, to be able to do deals with Japan.”
    “He’s very, very weak on immigration and I’m very strong on immigration,” Trump said. “Ben Carson is very, very weak on immigration. He believes in amnesty strongly. He believes in citizenship. He’s going to give citizenship to people who are here illegally — you can’t do that.”


  5. Tony says:

    Hillary Clinton on making friends in the public eye
    Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about the challenges of making new friends as a public figure, particularly a powerful public figure and whether old friends can bring baggage that makes it hard to move forward .


  6. Jamie says:

    Tonight is the Jefferson Jackson dinner leading to us asking, with a tip of the Chapeau to old Will, “What’s In A Name? Would A Rose By Any Other Name Smell As Sweet?” Due to modern controversies over Jefferson’s slave holding and Jackson’s policy toward Native Americans while in office. Some Democratic Party organizations have been removing Jefferson and Jackson from the title of party fundraisers with many states now renaming their fundraisers as “Founders’ Day”.

    What could prove interesting this year is a comparison of speaking styles as Sanders, Clinton, and O’Malley take to the podium for their individual speeches where unlike other events, no notes or teleprompter are permitted. This will be televised on CSPAN so that viewers can watch audience response and how those speeches may impact the race.



  7. rebelliousrenee says:

    Blue… I am extremely grateful and blessed to be able to do what I love… and have a man that supports that… watch out for the raindrops 🙂

    “is there a fair that’s more fun than work?”
    patd… at this point in my life… no. My upper body no longer allows me to weave for hours without aching. And besides… I used to LOVE to go fishing… haven’t had time in 20 yrs… time to find that pleasure again.


  8. rebelliousrenee says:

    “Due to modern controversies over Jefferson’s slave holding and Jackson’s policy toward Native Americans while in office.”

    So what… that’s part of this country’s history. What’s next… the Democratic Party trying to get Huckleberry Finn removed from school libraries. I think removing the Confederate flag is a good thing… no need to glorify that time in our history…. but trying to whitewash it doesn’t cut it for me either. Jefferson and Jackson are past presidents… they did what they did.


  9. patd says:

    mets vs royals tuesday
    what’s your pleasure, bagels or bbq?


  10. Tony says:

    Why I’m for Hillary Clinton
    David Plouffe
    View at Medium.com
    “We’ve come a long way. Still, eight years after that historic night in Des Moines, there’s so much left to do. And Americans still need a president who will wake up every day, prepared to overcome any obstacle on their behalf.
    Hillary Clinton should — and I believe will — be that president.
    Now, to be honest, during the most intense days of the 2008 primary, I would never have imagined writing this piece. And I doubt Team Clinton felt any differently about me. But here’s what I, and so many of my fellow Obama campaign veterans, have learned about Hillary:
    She doesn’t quit. And there were times I wish she had! But you have to deeply admire that strength and persistence.”


    • Jamie says:

      Anyone who was around here during the skirmishes of 2008 remembers the intensity of the debate. To this date, I still firmly believe that the best outcome would have been Clinton/Obama setting us up for another eight years with Obama/? now, but that isn’t the way it worked out. I think that the President has done a good job despite the non stop recalcitrance of Congress. Now we elect Hillary.


  11. Tony says:

    Taylor Swift Is Joining Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign, Planning ‘Massive’ Fundraising Concert For Politician: Report
    By Treye Green


  12. Jamie says:

    Loving this time of year:


  13. blueINdallas says:

    Katy & T’Swift. If only 12-year old girls could vote. Still, I don’t think there’s a GOoPer candidate who has a musician who wants their music associated with their campaign.

    Hillary seems positively energized since the hearing. I don’t know how she & Bernie do it. I don’t think I had that much energy when I was 20. It takes a special kind of person to run for office & to do that job.


    • tonyb39 says:

      Blue, lol, agreed, where do they get the energy??? Hillary, wow, the assault she took, next day on Rachel, amazing.. Yoga, well, let’s go, he he..


  14. patd says:

    from http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/24/politics/jeb-bush-campaign-donald-trump/index.html
    As for the whisper campaign that he’s falling apart, Bush was more frank.
    “Blah blah blah, Blah,” he said. “That’s my answer.”

    and, imho, his and the other gopers answer to everything


  15. patd says:

    for renee

    ‘S i ‘bheart a rinn mo shàrachadh (It was the loom that broke my heart): Sgioba Luaidh singing and miming a Gaelic weaving song at their visit at Galgael (not actually a weaving song but a song about a loom)


  16. patd says:

    from http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/tony-blair-finally-apologises-for-war-in-iraq/ar-BBmpyKs?ocid=spartanntp
    Tony Blair has finally apologised for the Iraq War. The former Prime Minister said he accepts that the conflict has been a factor in the rise of Islamic State. Blair made the startling confession during a TV interview in which he acknowledged the ‘hell’ that had resulted from his and George Bush’s decision in 2003, to oust Saddam Hussein from power.

    to parodize an old song:
    hey jeb, don’t take it bad
    trump a sad song and make it better


  17. Jamie says:

    Running short of Obama conspiracies? Here they all are in one place 🙂 http://linkis.com/www.motherjones.com/Y2oQG


  18. patd says:

    from http://www.gossipcop.com/katy-perry-roar-hillary-clinton-iowa-rally-firework-watch-video/
    Katy Perry fired up a crowd of 4,000 Hillary Clinton supporters in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday by performing her hits “Firework” and “Roar,” which the Democratic frontrunner has been playing at a number of her events on the campaign trail. In addition to singing, Perry explained to those at the rally why she supports Clinton.

    I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
    Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
    So I sat quietly, agreed politely
    I guess that I forgot I had a choice
    I let you push me past the breaking point
    I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

    You held me down, but I got up (hey!)
    Already brushing off the dust
    You hear my voice, your hear that sound
    Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
    You held me down, but I got up
    Get ready ’cause I’ve had enough


  19. Tony says:

    Disband Benghazi committee, for good
    Miami Herald

    “And for all the stacks of emails and audiovisual aids and hours of testimony the committee generated on Thursday, nothing showed Benghazi to be anything but a terrible failure of security and intelligence in the midst of chaos.

    And nothing showed Ms. Clinton to be in any way personally to blame for it.

    It’s time to disband this costly farce of a committee. Even as political theater, it hasn’t worked. As with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, another accomplished woman hauled before Congress this season for another show trial, the hectoring of Ms. Clinton didn’t raise doubt as much it as raised money — on both sides.

    The hearing had an unexpected result: It ended up being a campaign plus for the suddenly rejuvenated Ms. Clinton, fresh from her strong debate showing.

    On Thursday, hour by hour, cool response after collected answer, Ms. Clinton only seemed more “trustable.”

    Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article41331303.html#storylink=cpy


    • Flatus says:

      By my recollection, the Herald has never been known as some liberal rag. Old folks, especially, in South Florida read its editorials and will talk about the substantial truths within this one. Well done Harold Gowdy. Now release the transcripts.


  20. Tony says:

    Ben Carson: I Would ‘Love’ to See Abortion Law Overturned


  21. rebelliousrenee says:

    thanks so much for that weaving song. I have a tapestry loom sitting in the back of my closet collecting dust. I’ll now have time to polish and use it.

    I’m taking the bbq for the World Series… I always go with the American League… well… unless it’s the Yankees. But I do have to say that after watching both teams in the playoffs… the Mets do have a good team. Oh well…. screw ’em…. GO ROYALS!!


  22. Tony says:

    Hillary Clinton Remarks at Iowa Democrats Jefferson Jackson Dinner
    C-SPAN Road to the White House 2016


  23. Flatus says:

    MAUREEN O’HARA ‘DANNY BOY’ 1962 (The Quiet Man)


  24. Tony says:

    Bernie Sanders Remarks at Iowa Democrats Jefferson Jackson Dinner
    C-SPAN Road to the White House 2016


  25. Flatus says:

    To my ears, Hillary’s speech was upbeat and inspirational while much of Bernie’s was carping criticism of Hillary.


    • Tony says:

      I agree with you.. I like Bernie but there never seems to be any positive, funny or uplifting theme.. Probably after Hillary’s recent successes Bernie felt he had to be critical of her.. Although what he’s critical about is consistency in positions, nonsense.. I want politicians to evolve and change their positions as the voters evolve and change..


      • Jamie says:

        I’ve taken to calling him Grampy McGrumpy. Complaining is all well and good, but where are the solutions to the problems, and how do you plan to get them into law. Last time I checked the Oval Office doesn’t come with a magic wand.


  26. Tony says:

    Bob Woodward On The Benghazi Committee: ‘It Clearly Is Partisan’
    The legendary journalist says, accurately, that politicians mislead all the time.
    Sam Stein


  27. blueINdallas says:

    So, as terrible as Assad is, will things get worse if he is removed? If the horrible men in power in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, etc., were still in power, would the scumbags of IS be unable to operate? Surely, they may be part of some other horrible faction, but they seem worse & intent on creating hell on Earth.

    Just listened to Carson on MTP. Can you imagine this guy giving a SOTU address? He kinda looks like he’s high all of the time. I do not understand how he is winning over Gooperz. I just don’t get it. What is the situation with that party? If it comes down to it, would they actually run him? Is it in their charter to run whomever the powers-that-be choose?


    • Jamie says:

      Carson has been on the Evangelical speaking and book tours for ages. Apparently the Iowa voters have him confused with God who is also very high or at least Up There ⬆


  28. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Bob Woodward (he is still an ass) really took Chris Wallace to school over the Benghazi committee
    it was quite enjoyable. Wallace said Republicans on the watergate committee asked hard questions while the Dems on Benghazi did not. Woodward said Wallace was an idiot (or words to that effect)


  29. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Carson looks like he is on some kind of drug that smooths things out
    I guess Trump decided it was ok to quesion whether 7th Day Adventists are really christians


  30. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Chris Christie got kicked out of a quiet car on Amtrak ….well asked to move
    people said he was apoplectic


  31. blueINdallas says:

    Jamie – LOL! God/high. Good one.

    I wonder if my former acquaintance who loves Katy P but hates Dems (so much that she rolled up the car window & turned up the radio to drown out candidate Obama as we were heading out to lunch in Des Moines all those years ago) tried to attend? Nah. I think they’re probably on Team Trump.

    Fingers crossed for KC, for my little brother’s sake.


  32. blueINdallas says:

    Ha! I completely forgot about Chris Christie. Um, thank you, Donald Trump. 😉


  33. patd says:

    for those who missed joe on 60 minutes. norah tried her best to gin up a feud with hillary but to no avail, joe was his usual lovable self… here’s the vid and the transcript


  34. Tony says:

    Why Hillary Makes Right-Wingers So Crazy
    “In the right-wing mind, there is nothing so ruinous to America as the liberation of women. The right’s entire ideological structure is built on worship of the Great White Father and veneration of the stern, Caucasian, disciplinarian dad. It’s a worldview centered on a jealous, blue-eyed Father God, a military dispatched to teach the world a lesson, and a president who serves as the national patriarch.

    A President Hillary Rodham Clinton poses the gravest threat to that worldview yet—perhaps even graver than the threat to it posed by the nation’s first black president, given that more than half of Americans are women.”


  35. Flatus says:

    Finally, after three weeks, roads and bridges in the Columbia area are at the point where schools will be opening and closing on a normal schedule. People here have shown an absolutely remarkable resilience despite having lost every material possession they owned.


  36. patd says:

    and for you royals fans

    “Royals” Parody Lyrics:
    [Verse 1]
    A baseball diamond green and fresh
    I cut my teeth on series rings in the 80s
    I’m quite proud of my address
    In a crazy town, Kansas City
    But every year it’s like bullpens, dugouts, swingin’ for the fences
    Homeruns, strikeouts, trashin’ the opponents
    We don’t care, we’re driving homers in our dreams
    But everybody’s like, Cardinals, Red Sox, what about the Yankees
    Mets, Braves, Marlins, Tigers and the Phillies
    We don’t care, we aren’t caught up in your love affair

    Cuz you’ll never beat the Royals
    It don’t run in your blood
    That kind of loss just ain’t for us
    We create a different kind of buzz.
    We will be your rulers
    Kings of the MLB
    And baby we’ll rule, we’ll rule, we’ll rule, we’ll rule
    It’s not just a fantasy


  37. Flatus says:

    This one will always be my favorite!


  38. patd says:

    warning: not the casey you are use to


  39. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Glad to hear that Craig working on another site. But this place thanks to Jamie, Pat and RR is pretty darn good too


  40. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    I think I’m going with the Mets. Although we did feel sorry for the Royals last year
    A billion years ago when Howard Metzenbaum ran for Senate he handed out I’m a Metz fan baseballs pins etc. I’ve been a Mets fan ever since


  41. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Andrea Mitchell had on the mother of Sean Smith — the only reason to have this woman is to bash Clinton so fu Andrea but it completely backfired because the woman is a nutcase. Yes heer grief is genuine but she was estranged from her son at the time of his death and the segment turned into a wailing session about how her only son is dead and who will take care of her now

    all you have to do is google this woman to know that she is unbalanced and looking for attention
    People like Glenn Beck egg her on

    Andrea Mitchell and her booker should be ashamed of themselves using the mentally ill to promote hate speech against Clinton


  42. Katherinegrahamcracker says:

    Only recently has she started claiming her son called her the night before because he had a premonition – the truth is he emailed the claim to the director of the online gaming community he was active in. He had a wife and kids and lived in the Netherlands his mother didn’t like the wife and so she was out


  43. patd says:

    another sport to watch this week is the breeders cup.
    as much as i’d like to see american pharaoh win another race, have to put my money on the gal who just won the pacific classic by 81/4 lengths. go, beholder! the equine hillary (or vice versa)

    from http://www.courier-journal.com/story/sports/horses/breeders/2015/10/25/beholder-aiming-boys-and-pharoah-too/74585646/
    Girl takes on boys is always a popular angle in horse racing. But these boys include the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years in American Pharoah. The rest of the cast isn’t bad either. The projected field of 10 includes Travers winner Keen Ice, the first horse to beat American Pharoah in a year, New York standout Honor Cod,; two-time Jockey Club Gold Cup winner Tonalist, Pennsylvania Derby winner Frosted and the lightly raced but fast Smooth Roller.
    Keeneland oddsmaker Mike Battaglia says he will make American Pharoah the 6-5 favorite and Beholder 3-1.


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